6th-12th Grade First Communion


We are a program specifically designed for middle and high school students, providing instruction, spiritual formation, and preparation for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist.

Have Questions?

Who Is Eligible

Only 6th-12th grade students who are regularly attending weekly youth ministry and who have been baptized in the Catholic Church

When We Meet

We meet Wednesdays September-July.

Middle School Meets 6-7:30 pm in the St. Pedro Calungsod Youth Center
High School Meets 7:30-9 pm in the St. Andrew Discipleship Center

Sacrament Preparation Information

Is Your Child Ready?

There is no rush to get started if your child or your family isn’t ready. We can always take the year to ease into it. What does it mean to be “ready” for Sacramental Preparation?

  • Your child has good attendance last year in faith formation
  • Your child was BAPTIZED in the Roman Catholic Church, and you can produce the baptismal certificate at time of registration (along with your child’s birth certificate).
  • Your child desires the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist.
Is Your Family Ready?

There are no conveyor belts to Heaven or the sacraments! This year is not the right year for your family if you cannot answer “YES!” to the following questions:

  • Do you attend Holy Mass every single Sunday and Holy Day of Obligation?If you attend occasionally or even monthly, then you are not ready to start the process for First Holy Communion for your child. Jesus commands us to Keep Holy the Sabbath and to worship God in Holy Mass every Sunday and Holy Day of Obligation. It is a mortal sin to miss Mass on Sundays.
  • Do you go to sacramental Confession at least once a year?The Church requires yearly Confessions of all her members. Too many high school students (over 60%) have not gone to Confession since their first time. This is a tragedy, but one that we cannot blame on the kids.
  • Do you pray regularly at home?Jesus Christ is not a teacher, wise man, or prophet. He is our Lord and Savior. What is the purpose of Holy Communion if we do not have living faith in Jesus at home?
  • Are you able to attend the weekly faith formation classes?Sometimes our schedules get crazy depending on the year and what activities our kids are involved in. Sacrament Preparation is a priority over sports, band, and other things. If this year is too full that you cannot make it a priority, then let’s look at next year.

If you answered “No” to any question above, then let’s devise together the best way forward that meets the needs of your family and upholds the dignity and power of the Sacraments. Jesus Christ desires you to know and love Him, to receive His free gift of salvation through faith, and to be not only in touch with Him, but in communion, in holy intimacy with Him. That alone is the end game for our sacrament preparation family ministry here at Prince of Peace.

Family Expectations
  • Families attend Mass every Sunday and Catholic parents go to confession at least once a year, as required in the Church Precepts
  • Students will attend weekly Faith Formation classes
  • Parents will attend weekly Parent Cafe sessions or volunteer for Faith Formation
  • Parents will lead family meetings in their homes (discussion questions will be emailed)
  • Students will attend the First Eucharist Retreat (Spring)
  • Students will complete assignments for Sacrament Preparation
  • Parents are welcome to participate in the Alpha program (optional)

The First Reconciliation and First Eucharist candidate must:

  • be currently enrolled in faith formation classes
  • be baptized in the Catholic faith
  • be at least 7 years old
  • be enrolled in 6th-12th grade at the time of preparation

Please note: If your child has not been baptized:

Sacrament Preparation Enrollment Steps

Register your child for Faith Formation and Sacramental Preparation

Just like our children go to school every year, our children should attend Youth Ministry each year to encourage and reinforce the formation they are already receiving at home.

When you register your child for Youth Ministry, you will be able also to register your child for his or her sacraments.

Email Youth@POPHouston.org to register for First Communion.

Submit a copy of your child’s baptismal certificate

If your child was baptized at Prince of Peace, mark that on the youth ministry registration form.

If your child was not baptized at Prince of Peace, you may upload a copy of your child’s baptismal certificate in the faith formation registration form or upload a copy here.

Upload Copy of Child's Baptismal Certificate

Complete First Reconciliation/First Eucharist requirements

In order for your child to be eligible for first communion, he or she must: fulfill youth ministry requirements, attend the sacrament preparation retreat(s), and complete all necessary paperwork.

Contact Us

Connect with Us!
Call us during our office hours Monday through Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm at 281.469.2686 or send us a message below.
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