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Lenten Resources

Daily Online Reflections
  • Living Lent Daily: Lent calls us to leave behind sin and embrace a new way of life as pilgrims of faith. In this daily email series, inspired by the Jubilee Year 2025 theme “Pilgrims of Hope,” we’ll explore pilgrimage through the lives of saints and reflections from Loyola Press authors and bloggers.
  • Daily Lenten Reflections from Bishop Robert Barron: Join Bishop Robert Barron this Lent and receive a short daily reflection in your email to help you prepare for Easter Sunday.
  • Best Lent Ever: Join Matthew Kelly and receive profound spiritual insight and intensely practical ways to apply the consecration to your life. Consecration means to dedicate yourself to God and make yourself 100 percent available to Him. With three simple daily steps, you can prepare your heart, mind, and soul for this powerful surrender.
  • Lent 2025 with The Catholic Guy, Bruce Downs: For 40 days you will receive a short, practical and inspiring video in your inbox every morning to help you make this Lenten journey more powerful and prayerful.
  • FORMED Daily Reflections: Sign up for Lenten Daily Reflections with Dr. Tim Gray. Each daily reflection is a short video that features Dr. Tim Gray commenting on the daily Mass readings, explaining the Scriptures, and providing viewers with concrete ideas on how to apply them to their life.
  • Praying Lent with Creighton University: Lent offers us all a very special opportunity to grow in our relationship with God and to deepen our commitment to a way of life, rooted in our baptism. In our busy world, Lent provides us with an opportunity to reflect upon our patterns, to pray more deeply, experience sorrow for what we’ve done and failed to do, and to be generous to those in need.
Catholic Apps

Click here to learn more about these different Catholic apps.

  • Amen
  • Ascension
  • Blessed Is She
  • Catholic Answers Live
  • Catholic Prayers App
  • Catholify
  • Discerning Hearts
  • Divine Office
  • Formed
  • Hallow
  • Heroic Men
  • iBreviary
  • Laudate
  • Magnificat
  • Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network (aka The Apostleship of Prayer)
  • Pray As You Go
  • Radio Maria Play
  • Reimagining the Examen
  • Relevant Radio
  • Shalom WorldTabella
  • The God Minute
  • Three Minute Retreat
Resources to Purchase
  • Revival: A Lenten Devotional for Eucharistic Renewal is a daily devotional designed to help Catholics deepen their relationship with Jesus through prayer, reflection, and a renewed focus on the Eucharist during Lent. Written by individuals closely involved in the National Eucharistic Revival, it offers brief yet profound reflections that inspire personal conversion, Eucharistic living, and missionary discipleship.
  • Word on Fire 2025 Lenten Gospel Reflections: [Spanish and English] For Christians, Lent is an important time of reflecting on the suffering and death of Jesus so as to enter into the joy of his Resurrection. In this devotional booklet, Bishop Robert Barron invites readers to enter more deeply into the prayerful nature of the season. Lenten Gospel Reflections features the full Gospel reading for each day of Lent, a daily reflection from Bishop Barron, space for journaling and answering reflection questions, and more!
  • Wilderness Within: A Guided Lent Journal for Prayer and Meditation: In Wilderness Within, Sr. Josephine Garrett invites us to see the wilderness not as a place of fear but as a space where Jesus meets us to rescue, restore, and guide us. Through forty days of Lenten reflections, she helps us embrace the wilderness of our hearts as a place of healing, trust, and mission in Christ’s love.
  • Made for Heaven: A Guided Lent Journal for Prayer and Meditation: Join Fr. Agustino Torres, CFR—founder of Corazón Puro—on a multimedia Lenten journey inspired by St. Francis. Begin the season with a vow of poverty and end at Easter with a heart free from the desert of sin and open to love, serve, and care for others. Illustrations by Prince of Peace Parishioner Valerie Delgado
  • Creados para el cielo: Un diario de Cuaresma guiado para la oración y la meditación: Únete al padre Agustino Torres, CFR—el fundador de Corazón Puro—en un viaje cuaresmal multimedia inspirado en san Francisco. Comienza la temporada con un voto de pobreza y termina en la Pascua con un corazón libre del desierto del pecado y abierto a amar, servir y cuidar a los demás. Ilustraciones por Valerie Delgado, una la feligresa de Prince of Peace
  • RESTORE: A Guided Lent Journal for Prayer and Meditation: Take a healing journey with Sr. Miriam James Heidland, SOLT, as she helps you turn away from what wounds you and toward God who heals you and makes you whole. Illustrations by Prince of Peace Parishioner Valerie Delgado
  • RETURN: A Guided Lent Journal for Prayer and Meditation: In this beautiful guided journal for prayer and meditation, Fr. John Burns invites you to strip away your confusion, attachments, and sin so you can return to the Lord and undergo real and lasting conversion. Each day of Return includes the prayer from the Collect, an inspiring meditation, thought-provoking reflection questions, and a prayer.
  • The Ascension Lenten Companion:
    Walking with Jesus to Jerusalem
    : This Lent, experience deeper peace and healing as Fr. Mark Toups immerses you in Christ’s final journey to Jersualem, inviting you to reflect on Jesus’ suffering and death, and inspiring you to celebrate in his resurrection.During this Lent, you will fall in love with Jesus, learning to see with his eyes and love with his heart. More than just a journal, The Ascension Lenten Companion will guide you, day by day, to an encounter with the person of Christ and help you arrive at Easter transformed by God’s love.
  • Live Lent! Faith-Sharing Resource (Year B): Live Lent! will be your ideal companion as you gather weekly in small groups to gain inspiration from next Sunday’s Gospel and its roots in the Old Testament and as you reflect  each day of the week on how to live your faith in everyday life. Be inspired by the Sunday Gospel readings, explore Old Testament insights, and take action in everyday life.
  • Mysteries of The Rosary: The Sorrowful Mysteries: Mysteries of the Rosary (The Sorrowful Mysteries) is a 7-episode series highlighting the Mysteries in the life of Christ as outlined in the decades of the Rosary. Mysteries of the Rosary integrates deeply reflective insights on the life of Christ, theological truths, and captivating stories together with breathtaking scenery, illuminating sacred art, and inspiring music. By filming on location in the Holy Land, our aspiration is to make the Rosary come alive in the hearts and minds of the viewer. Encounters with Christ in the episodes and discussions will help lead to even deeper encounters with Him in personal prayer and contemplation.
  • Ave Maria Press Lenten Resources

Come Back to Mercy: Experience God’s Forgiveness This Lent

Lent is a time of renewal, mercy, and a fresh start.

No matter how long it’s been, God is waiting for you with open arms.

Experience His love and mercy in the Sacrament of Confession at our Lenten Reconciliation Service on April 1st at 6 pm.

Learn More about Prince of Peace!

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Mario Rivas (Bilingual)

Coordinator of Member Services & Volunteers

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