Mystics Group


We work to deepen our knowledge and understanding of our Catholic faith by reading and discussing works written by the classical saints and mystics that are part of the rich heritage of Catholicism, saints like Francis of Assisi, Catherine of Siena, Padre Pio, Julian of Norwich.

We seek to deepen our love of God and grow in our friendship and support of one another.

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Who Can Join

Anyone 18 and up

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When We Meet

We meet Wednesdays from 9:45-11:15 am on Zoom.

2024-2025 Calendar

Learn More about Us

Our History and Mission

We seek to carry on the legacy of Joan Prime, the founder of this group. She wanted to afford people the opportunity to read good Christian literature, especially the works of the mystics themselves. Those books were often difficult to understand and those who took part were fortunate to have Joan available to answer questions and guide them through the more challenging parts. Since Joan is no longer here to guide us, we have reached out to clergy when necessary.

We strive to carry on Joan’s idea that people need a “safe” place to ask their own faith questions freely without fear of criticism or judgement.

What We Do

We read and discuss books about saints and Christian mystics, contemplative spirituality, and the Catholic mystical tradition in an effort to better appreciate and understand our faith.

Why You Should Join

Group members agree that we have greatly enhanced our spiritual journeys and strengthened our love of God through such reading and discussions.


Cathie deLeon: “There are two things that I really love about being a part of the Mystics Group. One is the inspirational, meaningful books we choose to study, and two is the wonderful, faithful friends within the group. I look forward to every Zoom meeting on Wednesdays! ”

Cathryne Gardner: “When our family first joined the POP community back in 1983, we soon became aware of a wonderful teacher of Sacred Scripture, Joan Prime. Our two children were still in elementary school and this kept us fairly busy. However, as they grew older, I decided to join one of Joan’s Scripture study classes. I knew she also had a class called, “Mystics.” However, this sounded a bit too “learned” for my background and I held back on joining for a few years.

But as Joan and I became friends, she explained that in her Mystics class we would explore and discuss the various writings of those recognized mystics and other Catholic authors. She encouraged us to honestly express our thoughts, questions, convictions, etc. Reciprocally, we too were to be open to listening to whatever Joan or other class members had to say in response. We had some wonderful discussions!

Joan wanted all of us to grow in our friendship and love of the Lord and one another. I really miss her but know she is guiding us!”

Contact Us

Cathryne Gardner

Mystics Group Coordinator

Connect with Us!
Call us during our office hours Monday through Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm at 281.469.2686 or send us a message below.
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