Grupo de Madres
We are a Spanish-speaking group where mothers come together to support and encourage each other, share experiences, and grow in their faith while navigating the journey of motherhood.
Have Questions?When We Meet
We meet on Wednesdays (September to May) at 10 am to 12:30 pm in Room 208 of the St. Joseph Center.
Learn More about Us
Our group was born in 1993 from the need for the mothers belonging to the Prince of Peace parish to have a space where, through studies of the word of God and other sources of knowledge, they could obtain growth in faith and be motivated to be a bond of God’s love in the small church, the family.
Since then, women from different countries have come together with the purpose of promoting our religion and sharing our experiences as mothers, wives and friends.
The time we dedicate to these meetings is profitable and rewarding for our lives, our homes and therefore our community.
Educar un hombre es educar un individuo, y Educar una mujer, es educar una familia.
–San Enrique de Osso
To serve and magnify our Catholic Faith through the Gospels guided by the Blessed Virgin, as a model and example to follow.
The group of mothers receives training in different areas:
- Personal growth
- Bible study
- Current issues
- Guide to raising children
- Liturgical Events
Because we offer a supportive community where you can find encouragement, guidance, and strengthen your faith while building lasting friendships.
María dijo entonces: Proclama mi alma la grandeza del Señor, se alegra mi espíritu en Dios, mi salvador; porque ha mirado la humillación de su esclava. Desde ahora me felicitarán todas las generaciones, porque el Poderoso ha hecho obras grandes por mí, su nombre es santo.