High School Confirmation

Welcome to High School Confirmation!


Our Confirmation preparation program seeks to help prepare teens to encounter the Holy Spirit in the sacrament and deepen their commitment to living as a disciple of Jesus.

Have questions?

Who Is Eligible

9th-12th grade students who are baptized, received first communion, and have been regularly attending the weekly youth group for at least one full year.

Our Meetings

We meet every Wednesday from 7:30-8:30pm in the St. Andrew Discipleship Center from September through July.

2024 High School Confirmation

Confirmation Preparation Information

Is Your Child Ready?

What does it mean to be “ready” for Confirmation?

There is no rush to get started if your teen or family isn’t ready this year. Some indicators of readiness is if your teen:

  • Attends weekly youth group 
  • Was BAPTIZED in the Roman Catholic Church, and you can produce the baptismal certificate at time of registration (along with your teen’s birth certificate)
  • Desires the Sacrament of Confirmation.
  • Attends Mass on every Sunday and Holy Days of Obligation
  • Goes to sacramental Confession at least once a year
Is Your Family Ready?

There are no conveyor belts to Heaven and the Sacraments! Check the questions below to evaluate if this is the right year for your family to pursue Confirmation:

  • Do you attend Holy Mass on every Sunday and Holy Days of Obligation?
    If you are attending monthly or occasionally, then you are not ready to start immediate preparation for Confirmation for your teen. Jesus commands us to “Keep Holy the Sabbath” and to worship God every Sunday and on Holy Days of Obligation at the Holy Mass. It is a mortal sin to miss Mass on Sundays.
  • Do you go to sacramental Confession at least once a year?The Church requires her members to attend the Sacrament of Confession at least once a year. This is not only to help us fight sin, but to also prepare our souls to receive grace. Too many high schoolers have not gone to Confession since their first time (over 60%!). Please help your teen prepare for the sacrament by bringing your family to confession.
  • Do you pray regularly at home?Our faith life begins at home. A child learns from the example of their parents and the importance of daily prayer as a family cannot be understated. To help a teen maintain their prayer life after confirmation, it is vital to have a family that prays with them daily.
  • Are you able to attend  the weekly youth group?Our faith requires sacrifices and commitments. To prepare to receive the sacrament it is vital that your teen attends youth group each week and grows in their faith. This means making Confirmation Preparation a priority over sports, band, theater, and other extracurricular activities. If this year is too full that it can’t be made a priority, then let us plan for another year.

If you have answered “no” to any of the questions above, then please reach out and contact us. We desire to work with families and come up with a plan that will help address the needs of your family while upholding the dignity, standards, and power of the sacraments.

Family Expectations
  • Families attend Mass every Sunday and Catholic parent(s) go to confession at least once a year, as required in the Church Precepts
  • Students will attend weekly Faith Formation classes
  • Parents will attend weekly Parent Cafe sessions or volunteer for Faith Formation
  • Parents will work with their children to complete the books for First Reconciliation and First Eucharist
  • Students will attend either a day of reflection or confirmation retreat
  • Parents are welcome to participate in the Alpha program (optional)
Confirmation Standards


  • Must be enrolled in the Youth Group for two full years. During their second year, they may begin immediate preparation to receive the sacrament.
  • Must be baptized in the Catholic faith and have received their previous sacraments of first reconciliation and communion.
  • Must attend 4 “Days of Reflection” over the course of their 2 years; we offer 3 of these days a year (one in the fall, one in the spring, and one in the summer). At least one of the “Days of Reflection” must be the summer day of reflection.
  • Must turn in all required forms and documents no later than the end of December. If these forms and documents are not submitted by December, your teen will not get confirmed that year. (see required forms below).
  • Must attend summer youth group during the second year. Our faith journey does not end with the school year, and our summer sessions provide valuable formation for those preparing to receive in August. 
  • Must be able to attend the confirmation Mass. A candidate cannot have a proxy stand in for them to receive the sacrament. They must be available themselves to stand before the bishop and be anointed. To help you better prepare, our confirmation Mass is usually within the first two weeks of august. We cannot provide you with a more accurate date until later in the year since we must wait for the cardinal or bishop to send us their availability.
Choosing Your Confirmation Sponsor

Confirmation sponsors have an important role in the lives of those receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation.

Below are some helpful guidelines to remember as you choose your sponsor.

The sponsor prays for their candidate, answers questions, and serves as a role model in the faith. Choose someone who lives his or her Catholic life well: daily prayer, weekly Mass, knowledgeable about the faith. Obviously, the sponsor doesn’t have to be perfect, but he or she must be striving to live our Catholic faith every day. Although it is not absolutely necessary, it is most helpful if the sponsor is local so that he or she can frequently meet up with you.

Yes, sponsors must be fully initiated (Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist) Catholics who attend Mass regularly and are able to receive the Eucharist. An unbaptized or non-Christian person is not eligible to be a sponsor for Confirmation.

Yes, if married, a sponsor’s marriage must be recognized by the Catholic Church. If married civilly or in another Christian tradition, he or she is not eligible to serve as a sponsor until the marriage is recognized in the Catholic Church.

Per canon law, you may only have one official confirmation sponsor who will commit to helping you on your faith journey for life.

High School Confirmation Enrollment Steps

Register your teen for Youth Group and Confirmation

Just like our children go to school every year, our children should attend Youth Group each year to encourage and reinforce the formation they are already receiving at home.

When you register your child for Youth Group, you will be able also to register your child for his or her confirmation.

Email Youth@POPHouston.org to register for Confirmation.

Submit a copy of your child’s baptismal certificate.

If your child was baptized at Prince of Peace, mark that on the Youth Group registration form.

If your child was not baptized at Prince of Peace, you may upload a copy of your child’s baptismal certificate in the faith formation registration form or upload a copy by clicking the button below.

Upload a Copy of Baptismal Certificate

Choose your confirmation sponsor.

Please read the requirements for your confirmation sponsor below.

Once you have chosen your confirmation sponsor, your confirmation sponsor must complete the confirmation sponsor commitment form below.


Complete confirmation requirements.

See Confirmation Standards above. If you have any specific questions, please contact us.

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Call us during our office hours Monday through Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm at 281.469.2686 or send us a message below.
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