Estudio Biblico Pequeña Roca


We are a Bible study program in Spanish that helps people explore and understand the Bible through guided study materials from Little Rock Scripture Study and group discussions.

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Who Can Join

Any Spanish-speaking adult 18 years old and up

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When We Meet

Every Tuesday (August-May) at 7-9 pm in Rooms 208/210 in the St. Joseph Center.

2023-2024 Calendar

Learn More about Us

Our Mission Statement

To have knowledge of the Word of God, so people can increase their spiritual growth with faith, hope and charity.

What We Do

We engage in reading and studying the Bible together, discussing its teachings, and reflecting on its relevance to our lives.

In our Bible studies, we start with a prayer. If there are new members, we welcome them and ask 3 questions. We reflect and comment on the Word of God, depending on the Gospel or book we are looking at.

At the end, we pray for the group and the community. We also participate in parish events (Mass, Stations of the Cross, workshops, conferences, etc.).

Why You Should Join

To deepen your knowledge and understanding of the Bible, gain insights from group discussions, and grow in your faith journey.

It is exciting to discover how we can follow and know Jesus in the Word of God and above all what He tells you in each meeting. We are a happy and united group!

  • Aide Carrillo: Empecé en el Estudio bíblico en enero 2022. Me he sentido muy agosto las clases son muy bien explicadas, he aprendido mucho sobre la vida de Jesús y De María. Se me han aclarado muchas dudas que tenia ya que yo venía de otra religión. siempre recomiendo estudio bíblico a mis conocidos, porque se aprende mucho y es un grupo muy unido. Me ha impactado estudio bíblico al ver como mediante su palabra Dios nos habla y nos hace saver lo que tiene para cada uno de nosotros.
  • Itattí & Roberto Avellaneda: Cuando inicié en el estudio Bíblico yo tenía miedo, era tímida para hablar enfrente de mis compañeros y para leer. Hoy me siento muy agradecido con Dios y con mis maestros.
  • Gregoria Castillo: He aprendido hacer pequeñas oraciones, citas bíblicas, el nuevo y antigua testamento. El estudio bíblico ha impacto mi vida, cómo ser paciente, callar, escuchar, cómo responder sin lastimar a las personas, la palabra del señor Jesucristo me sigue trasformando cada martes.

Upcoming Events

Contact Us

Roberto and Itatti Avellaneda

Estudio Biblico Pequeña Roca Coordinator

"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
Matthew 28:19-20
Connect with Us!
Call us during our office hours Monday through Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm at 281.469.2686 or send us a message below.
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