Camino Neocatecumenal


We are a Catholic movement that helps people deepen their faith through small faith-sharing communities and a structured formation process.

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Who Can Join

Anyone 13 years old and up

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When We Meet

We typically meet either Tuesday or Wednesday nights from 7-9 pm in Rooms 205 or 206 of the St. Joseph Center.

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About Camino Neocatecumenal

We are a post baptismal Christian initiation designed to lead us to a mature faith, via a catechetical process lived out in a small community.

Born from an inspiration of the Virgin Mary, “We must make Christian communities like the Holy Family of Nazareth, who live in humility, simplicity and praise.

Where the other is Christ.” ; and supported by the pontiffs as a valid means to reach the weakest and wounded through the New Evangelization.

The Camino today bears international vocational fruits with the Redemptoris Mater Seminaries and hundreds of missionary families.

At the parish level, we are small and sinful, but the Lord is patient with us and is helping us convert daily, renewing our marriages, helping us transmit the faith to our children, and helping us see that with God’s grace we are able to love, forgive, and live joyfully.

Official Website

What We Do

We participate in small faith-sharing communities, attend catechesis sessions, and engage in liturgical celebrations that aim to strengthen our relationship with God and deepen our understanding of the Catholic faith.

Why You Should Join

To experience a deeper connection with their Catholic faith, grow in spiritual formation, and foster a sense of community within the Church.


Noemí Covarrubias
Noemí Covarrubias

“Since the age of 18 I began ‘walking’ in my community of the Neocatecumenal Way, for me it has been life saving. As many youth, living in a meaningless monotony, sure studying and making money, but deep down empty. Thanks be to God for calling me to the Way, for showing me through the initial catechesis that He was not outraged by my sinfulness, for showing me through the weekly community life through the celebration of the Word what truly resides in my heart and His ability to make it new. He has, through this charism of the Church, rescued me from my will, especially in the celebration of the Eucharist in community. Today, He continues to teach me to live out my mission as wife and mother with a grateful heart.”

Contact Us

Rafael Carbajal

Camino Neocatecumenal Coordinator

Manuela Rodriguez (Bilingual)

Camino Neocatecumenal Coordinator

Connect with Us!
Call us during our office hours Monday through Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm at 281.469.2686 or send us a message below.
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