Prince of Peace Catholic Community was given a very special gift in the summer of 2019… a young man who grew up nearby who had just been ordained a priest…Fr. Ryan Stawaisz. Though young, Fr. Ryan was a confident and reassuring presence for those to whom he ministered. There didn’t seem to be a moment too big for him and he faced challenges with the courage he received from the Holy Spirit all while keeping his sense of humor.
Fr. Ryan went home to be with our Lord on Monday, June 21, 2021 after patiently and courageously battling cancer.
Fr. Ryan inspired so many of us and we invite you to share the moments that were most meaningful in the comment section below.

Fr. Ryan Stawaisz offering Benediction during a holy hour on Holy Thursday 2020 in the Mary Chapel of Prince of Peace.
Ryan celebrated the Rites of Christian Funerals with those to whom he ministered. Now those words, prayers and symbols come to life in him. May you enjoy the vision of God forever!
You will be greatly missed Fr. Ryan. You came, saw, witnessed and blessed all of us. May your gentle soul rest in peace and may the good Lord grant comfort to your family and all those that you have greatly impacted. Amen.
Chisom Orizu.
Father Ryan had a very profound effect on me. He was so charismatic, and his personality was bigger than life. His ability to tell a story and keep the audience attention was remarkable.
In June of 2020 at the 12:30 service, as Father Ryan was blessing the Eucharist and the wine, I captured a picture of a brilliant light shining over him. I sent him the photo and told him that it looked like God was watching over him. Father Ryan replied by thanking me for the picture and said he hoped that God was also watching over me and my family.
Father Ryan, was true testament of a life where Christ was the center of everything. He was courageous and thought us to be trust the lord not matter the situation. Prayer is powerful. Thank you Lord for letting us enjoy his presence.
What a profound message that Father Ryan gave and he speaks from the heart.
Thank you Father Ryan for accepting the call to service in the priesthood and you gave your all to so many!
God has a plan for each of us and even in our trials and sickness, Jesus stands by our side and all He wants is for us to surrender our will to Him and to trust in Jesus every minute and being grateful for every breath we take!
Jesus we trust in You!
Jan Beall
I could tell immediately the first time I witnessed Fr. Ryan serve mass at Prince of Peace, we had a very passionate and humble young man to lead this wonderful parish. Fr. Ryan always put others before himself, and constantly reminded us that Christ’s love will always overcome our sins and struggles in life, if we continue to come to Him and trust in His mercy. Fr. Ryan’s beautiful singing voice gave me instant goosebumps every time he began the consecration of the Eucharist. One memory I will always cherish is one that occurred not even 2 months ago, when he was undergoing another round of treatments. That day he surprisingly showed up to perform the sacrament of confession, while being accompanied by an oxygen tank. Then and there it confirmed in me what a truly devout and caring man of God he was, and the love he had for the Catholic faith. Even when he felt tired and weak, he never sought pity, but continued to be grateful for the gifts he was able to share with others, as well help us grow closer to our Heavenly Father.
Let us all above all, please keep his family in our prayers, as they grieve this heartbreaking loss of a loving son and brother. That they may find peace, comfort, and know that many people are here to support them with our Loving Father watching over. You are no longer suffering Fr. Ryan, you are at peace in the eternal kingdom, where we all one day strive to see you face to face again with our Lord present.
“We are born to love, we live to love, and we will die to love still more.” St. Joseph
I went for confession with Fr. Ryan in English and Spanish. I always loved the fact that he took every time enough time to understand the background and to offer advice to avoid each sin again. I regret deeply never went to traditional mass that he led. Fr Ryan will be greatly missed, at the same time, he will be praying for POP community and others that loved and respected him. May his soul rest in peace. Gracias Padre Ryan!
Fr. Ryan came into our home on September 3 at 9:30 am to give the last sacrament to my Jim who was dying from Melanoma cancer. He was supposed to come on Friday, September 4. The Lord sent him to us a day early. I was so impressed with Fr. Ryan and his compassion for Jim and I. We visited and talked about his cancer and treatment. After he left, my Jim passed away 2 hours later. I called and talked to Fr. Ryan and we both believed that a beautiful miracle had just happened. Will be forever grateful for his friendship and his concern for me and my children. May he Rest In Peace and live in the palm of the Lords hands. He will always live in my heart.
I remember how excited I was when I learned that Fr. Ryan had been assigned to Prince of Peace. He was an Aggie like me so I knew there was something extra special about him! 😉 He loved to laugh and he loved God. When he would call me he would sometimes greet me with a corny nickname like “Davey Jones” which meant we would laugh for the first few moments of our conversation that often turned toward serving the people of Prince of Peace. He had such a heart for ministry and even during the pandemic lockdown was looking for any way he could to minister to us. I’m really gonna miss planning Holy Hours with him or discussing the ways the Holy Spirit was moving in our community.
I pray that God gives Fr. Ryan’s family and all who love him some consolation in our grief and for more young people to answer God’s call to serve Him just as Fr. Ryan did.
I remember when father Ryan came to Saint Faustina as a decon and I am glad i saw him leave as a priest. When i found out he was in the ICU I prayed my life out, and the next day when i heard he left to go be with our Lord I was a disaster. He help me through panic attacks, he had a smile bigger than anyone I knew. I am happy his with our Lord without pain. June 21,2021 is a day I can’t and will never forget.Fly high Father
I did not know you, but you have touched my heart this evening, reminding me of my comformation. I was a lay servant to those most on need for many yrs..I thank you for your life in service, and reminding me of such❤
There are many good things we can all say about Fr. Ryan, but I think we all knew there was something very special about him. My husband and I were friends with his parents, and watched their happiness as he continued his journey towards priesthood. As parents, they were also concerned for his health, but knew he was right where he needed to be, serving God. We watched him grow, become a seminarian, and then be ordained a deacon. It was a Blessed and joyous day when he was ordained a priest. He managed to keep his own spirit up, even when he was in pain. God called him to a special mission that we may not understand, but God does. We do know that Fr. Ryan’s legacy will live on and on. We felt him tugging on our heart strings daily. He visited our home in spirit, as if he were present with us, as we prayed for him every day. He will continue to touch hearts in ways we can’t even dream of. I can imagine praying to him some day as Saint Fr. Ryan.
We love you Ray, Susan, Ross, and Gaby. May God grant you peace and understanding as you go through this really tough time.
Mary Jane Brewster
I never met Fr. Ryan but through my family I have just met a saint. Fr. Ryan please pray for us and may you enjoy God’s presence in his fullness. Thank you for your sharing! To your family May you all be blessed with God’s peace. You have a saint looking directly upon you!!! The Herrera Familia from Houston… gracias!!! And from Albuquerque New Mexico
I’ve never met a priest like Father Ryan. He spoke to me without judgment and told me that no matter what people say, there’s always a place for me in the church. He truly spoke with guidance of the holy spirit and I know he inspired many Catholics like myself. He was guiding me towards God and to understand his will. Although I’m going to miss him very much I know he’s in a better place working alongside God. It gives me warmth and joy that I was able to speak to a saint, whom is Father Ryan.
Karen V.. RN – Our deepest condolences to Father Ryan’s family. My family and I have been parishioners of POP since 2004. We were excited about Father Ryan joining the POP. He is so vibrant and always Smiling. I have met him one day as he was seeking treatment in MD Anderson clinic in the woodlands where I work, that day I was a screener for the covid screen for all oncoming patients. After I screened him, I happily told him I am a parishioner of Prince of Peace. He gave me a big Smile, that moment I wanted to give him a hug. I should have! Thank You Father Ryan! You made a big impact in my life, attending POP Mass weekly and your homilies are inspiring. You are a gift to us… May more young people continue to be in religious life vocations like You. Rest in peace now, Our priest in heaven.. May the perpetual light shine upon your soul and Rest in eternal Peace!! AMEN !
I would see Father Ryan periodically when volunteering at POP. When my father suffered a heart attack at the beginning of the COVID Pandemic, I called Father Ryan and requested his help. I then realized that he could not go to the hospital due to his compromised immune system and he informed in his gentle and reassuring voice that while he could not go to the hospital, he knew someone who could. His voice had such a calming effect on me that I knew things would be alright. He also advised that he would pray for my family and with my father while the nurse held the phone to his ear. I apologized for calling so late and thanked him profusely. He said it was not necessary to apologize because he was a priest all day, all week, month, year, etc. The next day I called the hospital to check on my father, the nurse advised that a priest would be visiting him in the afternoon. Father Ryan called Father Urell, who used to be at POP, and enlisted his assistance. I called Father Urell and he advised that he received the call from Father Ryan. I requested that he administer Last Rites to my father inasmuch as doctors did not know if my father would survive. It was a very difficult time for my family. Father Ryan called back the next that day to follow up on my father’s health. He was kind, gentle and reassuring. Rest in peace and may God’s mercy and healing grace help your family during this difficult time.
Our most sincere condolences to the family, friends and most specially to Susan.
My son David and I met Fr. Ryan in 2015 as a seminarian, we have always supported the priesthood and religious life. As a former board member of the Serra Club of North Houston I attended several events to promote and support them.
We were blessed to attend his ordination mass for the diaconate but had to miss the ordination mass to the priesthood.
Fr. Ryan, you are now a priest in heaven. May God bless you always.
Patricia Chou-Roeder and family.
Eternal rest grant unto Fr. Ryan, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon Fr. Ryan. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
POP, was at it’s best with Fr. Goodrum, Fr. Bejio, Fr. Ryan. Fr. Ryan prayed the Rosary, adored Christ in the Eucharistic Adoration, etc. He loved the will of God. He loved his flock. We were blessed to have had him in our lives. I know his family misses him. What awesome parents you are to have have had him as your son. I know he loved his brother, as he mentioned his brothers marriage. God bless us all.
He inspiring everyone here at POP and anywhere. Eternal rest and always remembering you Fr. Ryan! :’(
Fr. Ryan – We have never met – In fact, I “bumped” into your life story only through a friend who shared about you. And I know I have found a holy priest in the image of my Heavenly Bridegroom in you. Thank you for allowing yourself to be conformed to Christ as a perfect Alter Christus. I rejoice in you as you now bathe in the Glory you have been anticipating and hear Him say: “Welcome home, my good, holy and faithful servant. Inherit the plenty of your Father’s House. Amen!” Shalom. Weena Isabelle
I do not know if he might have become a Bishop, or a Cardinal, or even the Pope…I do know that if there was ever a man born to be a Parish Priest it was Father Ryan. I told him several months ago that I never thought that when I was in my 70’s I would be mentored by someone in his 30’s…but I was. He was not a priest for long, but our parish was blessed to have him for his entire priesthood…how God has blessed us. Deacon Ken Henry
Father Ryan was inspirational in all his words, but especially when it came to dealing with fear. His words have helped me through so many life challenges and will remain in my head and heart forever. RIP Father Ryan and thank you for all you gave.
The summer before our trip to the Holy Land – our parish welcomed a young deacon to St. Faustina.
I remember one Saturday evening, sitting in the choir as the young deacon read the Gospel and then prepared to give the homily. I was a bit sad, since I was so used to our parish priest moving me with his thoughts and words (those I labeled “peanut butter homilies – the kind that stay with you through the week). However, I said a quick prayer, asking that my ears and heart be opened to this Deacon’s message and to support him, as this was probably one of the first opportunities for him to deliver a homily in a parish setting. The deacon spoke of being clothed in the dust of the Rabbi – which is an ancient Jewish blessing. I was so moved; it was one of those moments in worship that sticks, yep like peanut butter! So much so, that I thought “when I go to the Holy Land, I am bringing back some dirt, and giving it to the Deacon”.
I went with our parish group to the Holy Land in 2018, I envisioned collecting a large bucket of dirt – but it was only a small container. It came back with us, and as we had a few extra days in Poland, as my husband became ill, and we spent some extra time in Krakow where he was hospitalized. That little container became not only a reminder of our trip, but a reminder of the Deacon’s message, and my mission, to get it to him no matter what! We returned from Poland, my husband’s recovery continued, and I was finally able to drop the little container off, at our parish, for the Deacon before his ordination.
That Deacon was ordained Fr. Ryan Stawaisz in June, 2019, and was called into eternal rest on June 21, 2021. In my prayer over the past week and months preceding, know of his illness, of course I asked God “why?” – and I also thanked God – for Fr. Ryan and that moment of his homily that moved me to add that as part of my journey. That moment is a blessing for me because it confirmed to me that God’s message doesn’t always come through the personal favorites, but through everyone wherever they are in their walk of faith. Thank you, Fr. Ryan, not only are you clothed in the dust of the Rabbi but clothed in the Salvation of our Lord Jesus Christ. Your battle with cancer, and your death reminds us of God’s grace, and blessing into eternal life.
Thank you, Fr. Ryan
Sarah and Nils Pedersen
I went through RCIA from August 2019 to June 2020 my Vigil was delayed due to Covid,but when I finally received my Sacraments Father Ryan Baptized me and he was also the 1st Father who helped me through my 1st confession. I always enjoyed him at Mass and his stories. When I found out he was sick I was devastated because my Godmother was also diagnosed with Cancer and passed 1 month after finding out. She passed June 1st and he passed June 21st. God has a plan for all of us and sets are path before we’re born. Even though this grief is overwhelming for me by losing two very important people that were part of my path to become catholic,I’m at peace knowing their with Jesus and not suffering anymore. I will continue praying for his loved ones to help them through this time and to give them strenght…. Sending my sincere Condolences.. Sincerely Crystal Phears
In late February of 2021, Father Ryan ministered to our family, specifically my dad after his bone marrow transplant and subsequent recovery from leukemia. He prayed with us while visiting our Lord in the blessed sacrament, shared his life story with us and constantly checked in to see how we were doing.
On May 9, 2021 my dad’s health took a turn and he was again hospitalized. Exactly one month later he was called home to be with our Lord. I knew Father Ryan was very sick at this moment as well but I still sent him a text letting him know. I really was not expecting a response but the next day he texted. He sent his condolences and assured us that he will be praying for my father’s soul and for our family. Thank you Father Ryan for saying “Yes” to God and for serving his people.
Father Ryan have it is such a rude shock you are gone. You made me look forward to going to mass every Sunday because your sermons of love, peace, kindness and happiness. You ran your race gallantly and made a tremendous impact on Christianity. Rest In Peace Father and you will be missed forever.
I remember when I first met Fr. Ryan at POP I noticed he had no hair and no eyelashes and I immediately thought could he be going through chemo. I was a 15 yr cancer survivor so one day leaving Mass we had the conversation and if was confirmed. I felt like we bonded during that time. During the Covid quarantine I would watch weekday and weekend Mass and always enjoyed his sermon. When he recently was going through his treatment we talked but then in the last 2 weeks I recently relapsed after 15 yrs and wanted to just talk to him but he was very sick and in the hospital. My heart was broken when he lost his battle. We have an angel in heaven watching over us.
Mirza Ramos
I would always remember a Friday afternoon/evening when I was praying at the MaryChapel and, on my way out I ran onto Fr. Ryan. I was experiencing sadness and when he saw me he said: “hi”. I said hi as well. I thought he had done that out of courtesy. But then he went forward by genuinely asking me: “how are you?”. At that moment I could feel God saying: “I am here!”, “You are important to me”. That changed my heart that day, and I will always remember Fr. Ryan being Jesus to me.
R.I.P. Fr. Ryan you will be sorely missed. Your infectious smile and radiating faith was unique. You strengthened my faith and many many more people. Fr. Ryan you have left a legacy of your faith and courage. Condolences to, Ray, Susan and Ross and all the family. Frank Clear and family.
We remember watching Ryan grow up alongside his brother Ross in Tomball and always being delighted by them both. It was easy to see how proud Ray and Susan were of their boys, and with good reason. We rejoiced when Ryan began to discern the priesthood, and are only sorry a transfer took us to West Texas before he was ordained. Ray, Susan, Ross, all of Prince of Peace Parish, we send our love and deepest sympathy at your unfathomable loss. Sincerely, Tom, Elizabeth, & Adam Bergeron.
I only met Fr. Ryan a couple of times. He conducted the 12:15 mass on Fridays during Lent and I would meet a family member for mass and lunch, since the time was perfect for me. When covid was in full bloom, he was my confessor during outside confessions that were offered at POP when no other parish near me was offering confessions yet. He was the most kind, soft spoken confessor I have ever had the privilege of meeting. All this while he stood outside under a portico with a black curtain or sheet offering privacy as needed. His eyes were so kind. His suggestions were so poignant. Very few confessors have struck me with such awe inspiring comments regarding my life, my sins, etc. I praise God for that opportunity!!
I am just lost in how to express how moving spiritually his words are in these videos. He was way above normal ; it’s like God was using him to speak to us. I first meet at the POP Gala, when he just arrived as our new priest, as he walked around meeting people and his comment was “WOW I don’t know how to play that game”.(Casino Game); It just a fun comment in how he said it, I’ll never forget. Only confessed to him once and his advise, comment to this day makes me smile. While it hurst to see him gone, I am amazed of his Holiness and attraction to so many in such a short 2 years. God Bless his Family for our lost, and we know Heaven is his new home!
Fr. Ryan hit a home run with every Homily. You knew it was God speaking to you each time. One of the finest priests I have ever met!
As I am driving I am listening to Fr. Ryan’s words, and I am just in tears. Even when he is not with us anymore, he continues touching my heart and helping me to deepen my relationship with God.
I have the honor to had Fr. Ryan (Dn. Ryan back then) in my kindergarten faith formation class at St. Faustina right before his priestly ordination and the children finger painted a canvas for him. He received it with a beautiful smile and was very happy. The weekend of his ordination, during his first Mass at St. Faustina we received the traveling chalice from the hands of Fr. Ryan as he invited us to pray for vocations.
We will treasure every moment and I will make sure that my children listen to his holy and wise words in these videos.
Pray for us Rev. Ryan 🙏🏼
I met Father Ryan when he was a seminarian and staying at St Anthony of Padua.
While teaching my son’s faith formation class, I saw him in the hallway and asked if he’d like to come in and say hello. He stayed the entire class, answering all the questions the 5th graders came up with. All with a smile and full of patience. I also had the privilege of being his Christmas prayer partner through one of the Bible studies there (Cornerstone) We had the best conversation about St Joseph and I felt assured of his prayers for my intentions. I feel honored to have known him and being a witness to his giving spirit.
It seems that thank you is not enough…
I have not been able to find the right words to honor your memory in our lives. From the moment I met you as a seminarian on your year at St. Anthony of Padua, you asked if you could join the Spanish class from time to time, then my kids got to meet you and you really enjoyed talking and even better, listening to their stories! Through the years you were present in many ways, skateboarding with Nico, long phone conversations, Spanish practicing, guiding Ana and being the best ever sponsor in her Confirmation, lunches, dinners, prayers, visits, calling to tell me you wanted to bless my new house; you went out of the way to bring and truly reflecting Jesus’ example into our lives, which was very natural, very “you”, always projecting holiness. You were, are, and will be a pillar in my family. Please watch over us Fr. Ryan. You will be greatly missed although we know you are in heaven.
I watched Fr Ryan comfort the sick, the grieving, and many many times watched him offer the Eucharist and give a beautiful homily. I will miss you. Welcome him into the light of Your Face dear Lord. “There is a sacredness in tears. They are not a mark of weakness, but of power. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are the messengers of overwhelming grief, of deep contrition and of unspeakable love.” ― Washington Irving
Fr Ryan is worthy of many many tears. Amen
My husband, Bernard, and I feel very blessed to have spent some time with Father Ryan, just a few days befor he went for his Immunotherapy treatment. Although he was very busy, found time to fit the visit to his schedule. During that short time, he gave such profound enlightenment regarding Prayer that I have not grasped before. He strengthened our Faith and Trust in God. We made plans for another visit, which of course only happened spiritually.
On another line of thought, Father Ryan was my “go-to” person when I have issues and questions regarding Mass or Liturgy. I even asked him “how-to” questions about the equipment at the Audio-Visual station. He was a testimonial of God’s special gifts. He continues, and will continue to be my “go-to” person/saint for anything.
We pray for Father Ryan’s family, that God will continue to provide them with courage and strength in this difficult times.
My daughter was told at her school St Anne to pray for Fr Ryan as he was becoming a priest so we did and then I learned about his sarcoma cancer that was the same time my husband got diagnosed with the same cancer, I went to talk to Fr Ryan and we become instant friends , I knew he was special the first time I witness him at mass , I was so moved , I wanted to cry of joy , His Holy presence was so obvious trough Fr Ryan , I never felt worthy enough to approach communion and felt so humble and was so loved each time I had to tell Fr Ryan . He always was shy about it so I promised myself to never tell him again BUT Father Ryan was always with a special light around him and I could feel so much kindness and love . We spoke by emails lots during his last weeks and I already know great things will happen trough him . We all love him dearly and feel so humble to have known him .Again I thank him for becoming a priest .will always pray to him in heaven and will miss seeing him for sure but I know he will be present at each mass at POP as I have humbly ask him .i think we all know how special In so many way he was and still is . We love you Father Ryan and we pray for his soul and his family to feel comfort from Above .For ever till we meet again .
Clare Westlake , Ella, Eloise .
I was going through the most difficult time accepting Gods plan for me, being diagnosed with ( xxx ) my strength was going down then Fr Ryan came with this phrase ” it is not only accepting Gods will but embrace and love it ” that helped me go through all steps im going to, and seeing the way he smiked all the time even with his pain, THAT MAKES ME STRONG, todo lo puedo en Cristo que me fortalece.
I personally will always have the image of a ladder in my mind when I think of Father Ryan. One day, I walked into the main church and Father Ryan was up on a ladder helping Matthew with one of the mounted cameras. On many other occasions, Father Ryan would be doing whatever was needed to support and help out. ‘Get er done.’ The Lord has a true and faithful servant to help out now in the City of God. Many prayers and blessings to the Stawaisz family and all the people of Prince of Peace who were all touched by Father Ryan. Amen
Fr. Ryan reflected the light and love that is Jesus Christ—and I told him so, each time I saw him in action. I feel particularly honored to have had the opportunity to serve at funerals with him in the background in total awe of all that I witnessed. He understood suffering because he was a mirror image of the suffering Christ. He did exactly what Jesus would do as he met people where they were at and consoled them with love and compassion. He never complained although every now and then, I could see that he ached. But in spite of it, he was always humble, gracious, and joyful with a servant’s heart. He simply took delight in being present for others.
The gentleness in his voice, especially as he sang the Mass, was sublime. He knew the scriptures well and shared them with grace and enthusiasm. He recognized that not all visitors who came to us to celebrate the lives of their dearly departed were Catholic, so he took the time to explain our Catholic culture, our rituals—especially the Mass and the importance of the Eucharist. You could see that many people were intrigued and captivated by his teaching. He simply allowed the Holy Spirit to guide his every word and action. Even with the threat of COVID, Fr. Ryan fearlessly took every opportunity to serve others with the heart and mind of Christ.
When I caught wind that Fr. Ryan was in the ICU at MD Anderson, I prayed, and I craved to hear him speak and sing. I started watching any video footage I could find of him. There was one in particular that I watched over and over again. It was titled, “Father Ryan Stawaisz: Trust in God”. I wondered what it was that I found so familiar with it. Then it finally hit me! I stopped the video at the 1 minute 29-second mark. There it was. The expression on Fr. Ryan’s face was virtually a mirror reflection of the face of Jesus as depicted on the Crucifix of Limpias! There’s a replica of it in the chapel at Holy Name Passionist Retreat Center. I always remembered the image and the story behind the crucifix because I associated it with a song called “Electric Blue” with the lyrics, “I just freeze every time you see through me, and it’s all over you, electric blue.” It all made perfect sense to me. After all, over 8000 testimonies have been collected of individuals who have reported that they’ve seen the corpus of Jesus on the crucifix turn blue, come to life, and/or stare at them with the ability to look into their souls. Jesus looked directly at them and knew their sins, their intentions, their good deeds… Some people felt great shame. Others were healed, while others reported other miracles. Many conversions have resulted due to these apparitions.
I’ve no doubt that there will be miracles and great conversions as a result of Fr. Ryan’s short tenure as a Holy Priest of God! Like Christ on the Crucifix of Limpias, he once stood before me and stared directly into my eyes as I told him that I saw Jesus in him. His gaze was piercing, but I merely stared back at him and let the silence do all the talking. I didn’t know it then, but he really saw through me. It came to light when I made an appointment with him to discuss some dreams I’d been having. He emailed me after asking if we could wait until after Easter to meet. Attached to his message was a link to a recording of “Your Love is a Song” by Switchfoot. I felt as if he’d seen the interior castle of my heart as anyone who knows me well, knows how strongly I hear the voice of God in melody and song. I emailed back acknowledging his message and affixed a link to the song, “Anything is Possible” by ICEHOUSE. Just days later, I was entranced as Fr. Ryan wove the song into what would become his last Sunday homily.
It grew dark at 3 PM Monday afternoon, the day this humble servant crossed through Dante’s curtain of fire. I heard no songs. I saw no birds. With Fr. Ryan on my mind, I thought, “If the Lord chooses to take him, it will be we who must sing the songs that Fr. Ryan sang. And it will be we who must find our wings and fly. Fr. Ryan reflected the light and love that is Jesus Christ, and he will rise again. Hallelujah!”
I will always carry you in my heart, Fr. Ryan. Thank you for allowing me to catch a glimpse of a very special living breathing saint.