Respect Life Month
October 1 - 31
Prince of Peace Catholic Church, Texas 249, Houston, TX, USA
Upcoming Events
- October 1: Silver Rose Pro-Life Rosary, 6:30 pm in Mary Chapel
- October 5: March Of The Surviving Youth (MOTSY) Pro-Life March around Planned Parenthood
- October 6: Sign up to spiritually adopt a baby at the Pro-Life Ministry Table in the Fr. Ryan Stawaisz Community Center during Fellowship Sonday
- October 20: Sign up to spiritually adopt a baby at the Pro-Life Ministry Table in the Fr. Ryan Stawaisz Community Center during Fellowship Sonday
- October 20: See Display of Pro-Life literature at the Pro-Life Ministry Table in the Fr. Ryan Stawaisz Community Center during Fellowship Sonday
- October 22-30: Respect Life Month Novena
- October 26: Prince of Peace 40 Days for Life Fall Prayer Vigil outside Planned Parenthood (Gulf Freeway), 8 am-2 pm
- October 27: Life Chain in Conroe, TX
- October 29: Archdiocesan White Mass for Catholic Healthcare Workers (All are invited), 6 pm at St. Anne Catholic Church in Houston
Bishop Michael F. Burbidge of Arlington, chairman of the USCCB Committee on Pro-Life Activities, calls on Catholics to renew their commitment to the legal protection of human life, to support policies and service ministries that assist mothers, and to extend compassion to those suffering from participation in abortion. Read his statement below.
Bishop Michael F. Burbidge’s Respect Life Month Statement
The Truth about Abortion & Women’s Health