July Blood Drive
July 14, 2024 8:00am - 2:00pm | Fr. Ryan Stawaisz Community Center
Prince of Peace Catholic Church, Texas 249, Houston, TX, USA
Give the Gift of Life by Donating Blood!
Your donation will make a difference between life and death for many people. No appointment is necessary, and walk-ins are welcome.
All persons aged 17 and older (16 with a parent) are encouraged to donate the gift of life.
Free Olympics T-Shirt for Blood Donors:
Things to Know
- Recent storm disruptions led to cancellations of multiple blood drives and temporary closures of essential donor centers like Cy-Fair and Cypress.
- Donor centers will resume operations once power is restored, ensuring a continuous supply of blood for those in need.
- Natural disasters can disrupt our blood collection efforts, leading to shortages that put lives at risk. However, the need for blood remains constant.
- Maintaining a steady blood supply is crucial, especially during emergencies when demand surges due to increased medical needs.
- Our parish community is asked to donate blood or host blood drives to ensure hospitals have the necessary resources to save lives.