Archdiocesan Family Life Ministry Day

March 2, 2024 8:00am - 5:30pm  |  Auditorium

St. Dominic Chancery, Holcombe Boulevard, Houston, TX, USA

The Family Life Ministry Office invites you and all sponsor/mentor couples, marriage preparation ministers, marriage enrichment ministers, and any other single or married couple involved in the Church, to our annual ministerial enrichment, the Family Life Ministry Day 2024 – Sowers of Peace.

Based on the parable of the Sower, this year’s “Sowers of Peace” program offers an opportunity to reflect on our faith journey, and pay attention to the seeds and the ways we are sowing the Gospel. What do we spread? Indifference or convinced faith? Discouragement or passion for a more humane and fulfilling life? Pope Francis has said: “A person who is not convinced, enthusiastic, confident, in love, convinces no one.” This is an invitation to come and renew yourself!


The retreat will be hosted at St Dominic Center’s Auditorium. The cost is $60 per couple, $35 per person.


Fr. Mario Arroyo, Pastor of St Cyril of Alexandria parish, and Fr. Rob Ruhnke, author of Engaged Encounter and For Better & Forever (marriage preparation programs) will be accompanying married couples and sharing their experiences at the event.