Adopt a Family Adoption Weekend

November 16 - 17 2024  |  Fr. Ryan Stawaisz Community Center

Prince of Peace Catholic Church, Texas 249, Houston, TX, USA

Help one of the many families in Houston struggling this Christmas!

How You Can Help

  • Donate Gift Cards ($25-$30) from all grocery stores, including Wal-Mart
  • Make a Financial Donation to Our Adopt A Family Fund here

To Sign Up to Adopt a Family

In-person adoption will only happen November 16-17 after all evening Masses up to the 5 pm Mass (during daylight) at tables outside the church exits or during Fellowship Sonday on November 17th in the Fr. Ryan Stawaisz Community Center.

If you’re unable to attend Mass on the weekend of November 16-17 but would still like to adopt a family, please visit the Mercy Center between 1-4 pm from November 11-15.

If there are any families still available after November 17, you can call the Mercy Center at 281.469.2687 to inquire.

Volunteer Opportunity

This volunteer sign-up is for staffing the table during Adoption Weekend, November 16th and 17th, in the Fr. Ryan Stawaisz Community Center to help all enrolled families get adopted.

  • The table in the Fr. Ryan Stawaisz Community Center should be staffed at least 15 minutes before Mass and up to 30 minutes after Mass.
  • Select the Mass that your family usually attends.
  • We will have tables outside the exit doors of the Church for both Saturday and Sunday evening Masses.  (Fellowship Sonday event does not occur after these 4 Masses, so parishioners generally leave church and go straight to the parking lots.)
  • Please remember to sign in and out on the volunteer sign-in sheet at the table.
  • If you have children (under the age of 18) helping, please print the medical release form linked below, complete it and leave it behind the sign-in sheet.

If you have any questions about volunteering, please contact the Mercy Center at