Adopt a Family Enrollment
September 1 - October 15 2024
Prince of Peace Catholic Church, Texas 249, Houston, TX, USA
Our Christmas Adopt-A-Family Program can help make Christmas a little brighter for the children by providing gifts for the children and food for the family’s holiday meal.
If you are struggling financially due to the crisis we find ourselves living in, as well as loss of income, medical issues, homelessness, and/or personal emergency situations, please consider Prince of Peace Catholic Community’s Adopt-A-Family Program for Christmas assistance.
We want to help.
- You must either be an active registered member of Prince of Peace or live within our program’s zip code boundary (77064, 77065, 77066, 77068, 77069, 77070, and 77014). Only family members physically living in your household are eligible to participate. Two families residing under one roof will be considered one family.
- This year we will consider a household with multiple families with children as individual families. Each family must apply and qualify separately.
- We have also revised and reinstated the number of times a family can participate. The limit is 3 times from 2018 to present. If a family has been participated in AAF 3 times in the last 5 years, they are no longer eligible to participate. We will provide the family with other resources.
How to Enroll in the Christmas Program
- The enrollment period begins in September 1st and ends October 15th. Participation request forms are available at Mercy Center office, at the Adopt-a-Family information table during Fellowship Sondays on August 18th, September 15th and October 6th and by clicking the following button:
What You Need to Submit
- Completed enrollment request form.
- Copies of proof of emergency or current crisis.
- Copy of your current photo ID.
- Copies of proof of identification and residency for all members (both adults and children), living in the household. Identification must display name and current address. Examples include: Lease agreement, utility bill, birth certificates, school records, SNAP/Medicaid award letter, copies of current photo IDs. We do not accept Social Security cards.
- Copies of proof of Household income for the last 30 days. This is income from all sources (SSI, SSD, child support, check stubs, etc.) for all 18 years and older who are living in your household and working. PLEASE DO NOT SUBMIT ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS.
Please submit all documents and completed the request form in one of the following ways:
- FAX: 281-571-4143
- Scan & email:
- Drop off at Mercy Center in the locked mailbox located outside the double glass doors to the Reception area.
- Mail: Prince of Peace Mercy Ministry
19222 Tomball Parkway
Houston, TX 77070
ATTN: Adopt-a-Family
NOTE: All completed applications with requested documentation will be reviewed for eligibility. Remember that incomplete applications will not be processed. If after review, you are eligible for participation in AAF Christmas Program you will receive a phone call to complete the registration and provide you with the information on how and when to pickup of the gifts. Space is limited.
If you do not receive a phone within 5 days, please call 281-469-2687.