Brown Bag Lenten Project
March 5 - April 6
Prince of Peace Catholic Church, Texas 249, Houston, TX, USA
One of the core values of Lent is almsgiving—helping those in need.
Here at Prince of Peace, we have the chance to support our brothers and sisters in Christ, including victims of human trafficking, former prisoners, the elderly, and the sick.
We invite you to to pray for one of four Houston-area ministries and be a blessing this Lent by donating to our Brown Bag Lenten Project!
Brown Bag Lenten Project Donation Drop-Off Dates for all Masses
Week 1: March 15-16 – Elijah Rising
Week 2: March 22-23 – Archdiocesan Office of Correctional Ministries
Week 3: March 29-30 – Archdiocesan Office of Aging
Week 4: April 5-6 – San José Clinic