Pathways to Discipleship


Pathways to Discipleship, a transformative study series, guides participants on a journey of spiritual growth within the Catholic faith, delving into the 12 habits exemplified by Jesus Christ, such as regular prayer, scripture meditation, and Christian virtue, providing a comprehensive framework for practical application in daily life through engaging lessons, videos, and small group discussions.

Have Questions?

Who Can Join

Anyone 18 years and older.

Learn More about Pathways to Discipleship

When & Where We Meet

Pathways is a seven week series, with multiple opportunities to join throughout the year.

Childcare may be offered for evening sessions.

Please email to inquire about availability.

Sign up for Pathways to Discipleship

Learn More about Pathways to Discipleship

What We Do

Pathways to Discipleship is a study series organized as three modules of six sessions each that helps participants grow in our Catholic faith using Jesus Christ as our teacher and role model.

You will learn 12 habits Jesus taught and lived, and how to apply them in your daily life.

Habits include praying regularly, praying with scripture, practicing Christian virtue, ministering to others, and intercessory prayer.

Each session includes a lesson, a video, and small group discussion time.

Why You Should Join

Pathways is a great place to get to know Jesus more deeply and live more fully the life of a disciple. This is for both new and lifelong Catholics.

Participants report growing spiritually, growing in community, and learning new practices of their faith.

The Prince of Peace mission includes “Make Disciples” and Pathways to Discipleship is an accessible way to do this!


“Pathways to Discipleship is a multi-faceted, systematic, and practical approach towards developing a Christlike lifestyle. Participants in Pathways will not only enjoy a greater appreciation of their faith – they will also experience a more intimate relationship with Jesus.” – Fr. Tom Ponzini

“I’ve always felt that I was a strong Catholic but, (Pathways) gave me a lot of tools and techniques that I’d not used in the past. I’ve learned so much and I’m eager to start the next book!” – Rosie Saldavar

“Are you looking for a practical first step to ‘Make Disciples’? If so, look no further. I found Pathways to be an engaging way to brush away some faith ‘cobwebs’ and embrace the characteristics of being a Disciple of Christ. I completed the first study series with a refreshed knowledge of what it means to be a disciple and a personal assessment of where I was on that journey. Don’t miss the opportunity to participate in this series, you’ll be glad you joined.” – Dave Kreiner

“What I took away from participating was a deeper understanding of what Christ expects from his disciples and apostles, and as a result of that, a huge increase in my faith. What a journey! Every week provided opportunities to dive deeply into exciting content supported by Scripture verses. More importantly, I learned concrete ways to follow Christ and spread the Kingdom. No dry, stale content in this program; just sessions that make you wish someone had written this 20 years ago. This was vibrant, exciting, important content to support the 12 Habits of a Disciple and written in a way that made comprehension easy. The12 Habits of a Disciple are clearly defined and are a realistic/ obtainable goal for everyone.” – Dianne Richardson

“No one of faith should miss this, that is if you are interested in growing and taking another positive step in your faith journey.” – Jim Martinez

“The material is easy to read and understand. Enjoy the small group sharing.” – Barbara

“Beautiful and easy to understand” – Anna Cisne

Frequently Asked Questions

How does a Pathways session work?

A Pathways session is two hours. This includes time for fellowship, a short video, and a small group discussion. Each session focuses on a particular habit Jesus taught and modeled for us in the Gospels. Discussion questions are open-ended with no right answers and no requirement to participate. There is no requirement to “know” the faith to participate and people of all spiritual levels can learn and share from one another.

How long does a Pathway last?

Pathways to Discipleship consists of 3 modules of six sessions. Participants commit to only one module at a time, so the time commitment is just six weeks. Each Pathway has an optional seventh week activity and an optional introduction for those who have not taken a Pathway previously.

Pathways are run throughout the year, so there is always an opportunity to participate even with busy schedules.

How much does Pathways cost?

All Pathways materials may be downloaded for free from Participants may optionally purchase print books Pathways to Discipleship from Amazon for $9.99.

What is discipleship?

Jesus taught his first 12 disciples how to live the way he lived. But he didn’t want it to stop there – he wants all of us to be his disciples. Pope Francis calls on all Catholics to be missionary disciples. Pathways to Discipleship is a modern-day approach to living as disciples of Jesus.

Do I have to do the three Pathways in order?

No, you can do them in any order. Some participants prefer to start at Pathway One: Knowing Jesus then move to two and three. Others prefer to participate as their schedule permits and are okay with participating in any order. There is no one right or wrong way.

Will I know others there?

You are welcome to come alone or with a spouse or group of friends. If you don’t know anyone at the beginning, you will by the end! Pathways small group discussions are great opportunities to get to know people.

Do I need to be a Bible expert?

Absolutely not! Jesus is the expert and teacher for Pathways to Discipleship. The rest of us are learners and followers. The material is written very straightforward and is easy to read. Participants frequently remark on how easy Pathways is to understand: “Beautiful and easy to understand”.

Is it Catholic?

Yes! Every session includes Catholic prayers, devotions, Saints, and teachings on the sacraments. One participant commented “I’ve always felt that I was a strong Catholic but, [Pathways] gave me a lot of tools and techniques that I’d not used in the past.”

Is there homework?

Before each session participants are encouraged to read or listen via podcast to the session material. This is about 30 minutes per week. If you don’t read or listen beforehand, please still come participate. All the materials are summarized at the session so you will still be able to participate in the discussion. After the session, each participant is encouraged to practice each habit more fully in their daily lives.

Do I have to participate in discussions?

No! Some people prefer to listen to most questions and occasionally offer thoughts when they feel called and ready.

Can I drop Pathways once I’ve started?

Yes, although we’ve rarely seen people drop once they’ve started. But if Pathways to Discipleship isn’t for you or if you’ve had other things affect your schedule, we completely understand and there is no pressure to continue.

Can I start if I’ve missed the first week?

Sure! Just come join us!

What if I miss a week?

If you miss a week, just come the next week. Since participants have the materials, people can still keep up on their own. One participant commented “I loved being able to stream (podcast) the class I missed on my cruise.”

I’m a very busy person.

Sessions are available as podcasts on Spotify and Apple. Feel free to listen to Pathways to Discipleship while you are doing other activities.

Can our ministry do Pathways to Discipleship on our own?

Yes! This gives you the flexibility of picking a time and place that works for your ministry. Simply download the materials from Included is a facilitator guide that will provide any details on how to facilitate your own group. Also feel free to contact us to help you get started.

Can I do Pathways on my own?

Yes! Pathways to Discipleship is set up for individual study or for small groups of family or friends that can meet anywhere. Simply download the materials from Included is a facilitator guide that will provide any details on how to facilitate your own group.

Hear What Pathways Participants Have to Say

Contact Us

Gary Thome

Pathways to Discipleship Coordinator

Connect with Us!
Call us during our office hours Monday through Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm at 281.469.2686 or send us a message below.
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